Lauren: "Audrina, comeon, when life gives you lemons, you wear them to a Nanette Lepore fashion show. It's the lesson of life"
Audrina: "Oh.. I thought you were supposed to throw them back and scream I WANT CHOCOLATE"
Lauren: "Um.. no, thats oranges."
No, it's not the Corpse Bride. It's not Minnie Mouse on crack either, before you ask. It's the bride of Chucky.
Oh crap, no wait, I was just informed that it's Lady Gaga. Damn, how could I have missed that one.
This is another one of those cases where the mother (a.k.a the shopper) adopts a beautiful child (a.k.a the material thang) and abuses it and forces it to hang out with it's ugly step-siblings (a.k.a that shirt and that hair)
It doesn't look that bad, right? I mean, yeah, there are those damn tips again. And yes, she's wearing Avril Lavigne's skirt (and her bracelet). But aside from that, she looks great. Really. I mean it. :)
Umm.. What? Why? As if the dress weren't enough, she had to wear Justin's shirt underneath too!? And then a patterned scarf? AND THEN SHE WORE COMBAT BOOTS? WHAT KIND OF FRE- Hey! The tips aren't there!