Monday, 7 September 2009

What I Like About You

Okay, even though I am NOT a fan of Audrina, her style, her face, and her attitude, I am LOVING the look she put together (or rather her stylists put together) for the premiere of Sorority Row. Maybe if someone like Angelina Jolie wore it I'd be like "Meh, she could do better" but on Audrina it's just the upgrade of all upgrades.

You're all probably thinking "The look is okay." But it's not. So in order to prove how great this look is, I've put together some pictures of her past looks:

While most of us would like to believe this is what she wore to her "Pretty Woman 2- Bikers and Booze" audition, we must not deny the truth. This girl has zero sense of style.

Another look I quite enjoyed mocking was this one, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Whoretles look. The only reasonable explanation I can think of for the dress is that she probably wore it to sneak into whatever party she's at.

I have no comment for the above. Except I do believe it's another costume for the Bikers & Booze Story. (IF there is a Bikers & Booze story, I think she should get the part, she's obviously determined. Who's with me?)

"Ohmigod Lo, guess what! You'll never believe it but I was at this candy shop yesterday, and one of the wrappers caught my attention 'cause it was like.. shiny! And so when I asked the worker-dude about it, he told me he could make me a dress that looks exactly like the candy wrapper! Isn't that just like.. Wow? I'm wordless."

The shoes. The innocent shoes. Adopted into a home with an abusive mother who thinks she can be stylish AND a hobag at the same time! For shame.

1 comment:

  1. LOOL ! You are hilarious ! I loved the part about getting her crap dress from a candy shop hahaha ! And btw even the upgrade is hidious ! Woman I think she could have found better shoes ! And speakeing of SHOES what are such heavenly shoes doing with such an unstylish person I mean wut a waste ! We both know which one I'm tlking about BALMAINIA duh' seriously I think Christophe Decarin only knew his shoes are put to such a waste he would resign .
